Last Modification: 31 August 2022

All feedback is now handled though the new page. Here, you can report bugs, submit feature requests and see what’s coming to the platform via the public roadmap.

You can also see and comment on bugs reported by others as well as vote and comment on feature requests.

Bug Reporting

You found a bug? Nice! Please ensure that the bug you’re reporting is not already listed as a known limitation or already reported bug before you report it. You can find a list of all known limitations and bugs through the of your currently installed version.

Furthermore, you can see bugs reported by other beta testers via Please check this resource and upvote bugs that you also experience.

Feature Request

Devin would not exist without feature requests. It’s built for developers, like you. Before submitting a feature request please check out existing feature requests made by others via and upvote the ones of your interest. Also, feel free to comment to provide further information.